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  • Currently in Miami — October 20, 2023: Strong to marginally severe thunderstorms early on

Currently in Miami — October 20, 2023: Strong to marginally severe thunderstorms early on

Plus, American Climate Corps

The weather, currently.

Strong to marginally severe thunderstorms early on

Rain will return to South Florida on Friday as thunderstorms develop at a large scale offshore to the southeast. A few strong to severe thunderstorms could approach Miami early in the day which will be capable of producing hail, strong and potentially damaging winds, and frequent lightning.

Later in the afternoon and evening, conditions will improve, however, isolated thunderstorms will remain possible. Friday’s temperatures will be warmer once again in the mid-80s, with overnight lows ranging between the 60s and low 70s. The weekend will be much more forgivable in terms of rain, with little to no showers expected, although skies will remain partly to mostly cloudy.

El tiempo, actualmente.

Lluvia regresará al sur de Florida el viernes a medida que se desarrollen tormentas eléctricas a gran escala sobre el mar al sureste de la peninsula. Algunas tormentas fuertes a severas se acercarán a Miami temprano en el día, cuales podrían producir granizo, vientos fuertes y potencialmente dañinos y relámpagos frecuentes. Por la tarde y noche las condiciones mejorarán, aunque seguirán siendo posibles tormentas aisladas. Las temperaturas del viernes volverán a ser más cálidas, en el rango medio de los 80 grados, con mínimas nocturnas entre los 60 y el rango bajo de los 70 grados. El fin de semana será mucho más favorable en términos de lluvia, con aguaceros bien escasos, aunque el cielo permanecerá parcialmente o mayormente nublado.

What you need to know, currently.

Since the Biden Administration announced the American Climate Corps (ACC) almost a month ago, over 42 thousand people have submitted an interested sign-up form. The sign-ups account for more than double the 20k jobs available in the first year of the ACC.

According to the White House, two-thirds of those who submitted are between the ages of 18 and 35, signaling that young Americans are excited about working on climate.

The American Climate Corps is a modern reimagining of New Deal-era concepts, with a focus on training young Americans in clean energy and climate resilience fields.

The idea behind a Civilian Climate Corps comes from youth climate and environmental justice activists organizing. You can read more about the Climate Corps here.

What you can do, currently.

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One of my favorite organizations, Mutual Aid Disaster Relief, serves as a hub of mutual aid efforts focused on climate action in emergencies — like hurricane season. Find mutual aid network near you and join, or donate to support existing networks: