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  • Currently in Miami — October 19, 2023: Still mostly sunny, but back to normal temperatures

Currently in Miami — October 19, 2023: Still mostly sunny, but back to normal temperatures

Palestine-Israel and climate justice

The weather, currently.

Still mostly sunny, but back to normal temperatures

All good things must come to an end, and unfortunately, that will be the case with this week’s beautiful, cool weather as temperatures are expected to return to normal.

Temperatures will be about 6-8 degrees warmer as we rise on Thursday compared to Wednesday morning, with highs reaching the mid-80s across most of South Florida and the upper 80s for the most inland locations.

Rain chances will remain low, however, as the atmosphere will still be plenty dry. The only showers on Thursday will be isolated during the afternoon. A return of more frequent showers and thunderstorms will be in the cards on Friday.

El tiempo, actualmente.

Todo lo bueno debe llegar a su fin y, lamentablemente, ese será el caso con el hermoso y fresco tiempo de esta semana, ya que se espera que las temperaturas vuelvan a la normalidad.

Las temperaturas serán entre 6 y 8 grados más cálidas al despertar el jueves en comparación con la mañana del miércoles, y temperaturas máximas alcanzarán el rango medio de los 80 grados en la mayor parte del sur de Florida y el rango alto de los 80 en las zonas más interiores.

Sin embargo, las posibilidades de lluvia seguirán siendo bajas, ya que la atmósfera permanecerá bastante seca. Los únicos aguaceros del jueves serán aislados durante la tarde. El viernes se prevé el regreso de aguaceros y tormentas eléctricas más frecuentes.

What you need to know, currently.

As the horrors in Palestine-Israel continue to unfold, it feels necessary to reiterate — as we have before in this newsletter — how climate justice, all systems of oppression, and humanitarian crises are connected.

As climate reporter Yessenia Funes put it in her newsletter Possibilities:

“What is climate justice in a world where people are not free? How can we talk about a green future when some communities don't have a future to look forward to? How can cultures come together to talk about emissions reductions when they don't even have peace?”

Below are a few stories and pieces of writing that highlight this truth:

What you can do, currently.

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One of my favorite organizations, Mutual Aid Disaster Relief, serves as a hub of mutual aid efforts focused on climate action in emergencies — like hurricane season. Find mutual aid network near you and join, or donate to support existing networks: