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- Currently in Miami — October 30, 2023: More neighborhoods flooded by king tides
Currently in Miami — October 30, 2023: More neighborhoods flooded by king tides
Plus, embracing spooky season for the planet.
The weather, currently.

Better rain chance, and more King Tide flooding
Rain chances will increase a bit throughout South Florida on Monday after a long stretch of mostly dry and sunny weather. This will be due to moisture associated with a broad area of low pressure and thunderstorms over the western Atlantic. There is a moderate chance that this system (Invest 96L) could develop into a tropical cyclone, but it will stay far to the east and pose no threat to South Florida. Scattered showers will occur across Miami and Ft Lauderdale on Monday, with the highest rain chances near the southeastern coast. But the rain will remain fairly light due to dry air in the mid-levels of the atmosphere. Afternoon temperatures will remain consistent, with highs in the mid-80s, but overnight lows could drop a couple of degrees into the low 70s on Monday night. King tides could pose a problem as nuisance floods expand to more neighborhoods on Monday and Tuesday.
El tiempo, actualmente.
Las posibilidades de lluvia aumentarán un poco en el sur de Florida el lunes después de un largo período de tiempo mayormente seco y soleado. Esto se deberá a humedad asociada con una amplia zona de baja presión y tormentas eléctricas sobre el Atlántico occidental. Existe una probabilidad moderada de que este sistema (Invest 96L) se convierta en un ciclón tropical, pero permanecerá muy hacia el este y no representará una amenaza para el sur de Florida. El lunes se producirán aguaceros dispersos en Miami y Ft Lauderdale, con las mayores posibilidades de lluvia cerca de la costa sureste. Pero la lluvia seguirá siendo bastante ligera debido al aire seco en los niveles medios de la atmósfera. Las temperaturas vespertinas se mantendrán constantes, con máximas en el rango medio de los 80 grados, pero las mínimas nocturnas podrían disminuir un par de grados hasta el rango bajo de los 70 el lunes por la noche. Inundaciones de agua salada pueden convertirse en un problema para más comunidades el lunes y martes debido a grandes mareas.
What you need to know, currently.
There is so much happening in our world right now, and to me, it’s one of those moments that seem to be occurring with increasing frequency where it feels like everything is imminently about to get worse.
It’s spooky season, but for the planet.
I’ve been waiting for just the right time to share an essential video series on embracing radical uncertainty in the climate emergency that features Christiana Figueres, Rebecca Solnit, and Roshi Joan Halifax. I think now’s the time.
It’s just as good as it sounds. If you have a couple of hours this week, the 10-part series moves quickly. But honestly it’s so important, it’s best not to rush it. I suggest watching 15 minutes a day, and then giving yourself some time in nature each day to process any personal response you might feel. Don’t judge yourself or your response — remember that you and your body are also part of this planet. You belong here. We all do.
We are all here on Earth together at a uniquely important moment in human history. Each of us have an essential place in this time of transition to a more life-filled existence that works for every living thing.
What you can do, currently.
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One of my favorite organizations, Mutual Aid Disaster Relief, serves as a hub of mutual aid efforts focused on climate action in emergencies — like hurricane season. Find mutual aid network near you and join, or donate to support existing networks: