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  • Currently in Miami — October 23, 2023: Pleasant weather through the first half of the week

Currently in Miami — October 23, 2023: Pleasant weather through the first half of the week

Plus, details on two hurricane landfalls over the weekend.

The weather, currently.

Beautiful, clear skies

High pressure over the southeastern United States will help maintain this pleasant weather we have been having here in South Florida through the first half of the week. It will remain on the warmer side on Monday, with highs in the mid to upper 80s, but could be a bit milder on Tuesday in the low to mid 80s. Overnight lows on Monday night will be in the low to mid 70s. Rain chances will be minimal both days, but isolated showers will become a possibility over the course of the week. In terms of cloud cover, it will be plenty bright, but high-altitude cirrus clouds and a dotting of puffy cumulus will come about in the afternoon.

El tiempo, actualmente.

Una zona amplia de alta presión sobre el sureste de los Estados Unidos ayudará a mantener este tiempo agradable en el sur de Florida durante la primera mitad de la semana. Se un poco cálido el lunes, con máximas en los rangos medio a alto de los 80 grados, pero podrían ser un poco más suaves el martes los rangos bajo a medio de los 80. Las mínimas nocturnas de la noche del lunes estarán entre los rangos bajo a medio de los 70. Los chances de lluvia serán mínimas ambos días, pero habrá aguaceros aislados luego en la semana. Los cielos también estarán bastante despejados con mucho sol, pero por la tarde aparecerán cirros a gran altitud y algunos cúmulos aislados.

What you need to know, currently.

Over the weekend two hurricanes make landfall — one in the Pacific, and one in the Atlantic.

Hurricane Tammy has been a rare late-October hurricane-strength storm in the tropical Atlantic, and meandered its way parallel to the Eastern Caribbean chain of islands before making landfall in Barbuda on Sunday. The storm caused intense flash flooding in Guadeloupe as well. Forecasts show that Tammy will continue meandering northwestward this week, but it’s still too early to say whether it will pose a threat to Bermuda or the US mainland.

Meanwhile, Hurricane Norma lashed the southern tip of Baja California before making a second landfall on the Mexico mainland over the weekend. It’s the fifth tropical cyclone to make landfall on Mexico’s Pacific Coast this year.

What you can do, currently.

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