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  • Currently in Miami — October 12, 2023: Rain heaviest to the north

Currently in Miami — October 12, 2023: Rain heaviest to the north

Plus, our new global warming reality, in one terrifying graph.

The weather, currently.

Low pressure reaching Florida from the Gulf

Overnight into Thursday, a low-pressure system in the Gulf of Mexico will move through northern Florida into the western Atlantic, and a high-pressure system will form to the south of the peninsula. This will focus the majority of Thursday’s showers and thunderstorms to the north, with rain coverage increasing from scattered showers in Miami to numerous thunderstorms by West Palm Beach. Ft. Lauderdale, which is somewhere in the middle, could see isolated thunderstorms with the potential for heavy rainfall and gusty winds. Winds will remain out of the southwest, which will keep temperatures warm—as high as the low 90s.

Friday should bring drier conditions with showers driven by afternoon sea breezes, and the weekend might see another “cold” front, potentially leading to significant drying. Temperatures will rise, reaching the low to mid-90s, with heat indices in the 105-110 degree range. Relief from the heat might come on Sunday, depending on the timing of that front.

El tiempo, actualmente.

Durante la noche del miércoles, un sistema de baja presión en el Golfo de México se moverá a través del norte de Florida hacia el Atlántico occidental, y se formará un sistema de alta presión al sur de la península. Esto concentrará la mayoría de los aguaceros y tormentas eléctricas del jueves hacia el norte, y las posibilidades de lluvia aumentarán desde aguaceros dispersos en Miami hasta numerosas tormentas en West Palm Beach. Ft Lauderdale, que se encuentra a medio camino, podría ver tormentas eléctricas aisladas con potencial de fuertes lluvias y ráfagas de viento. Los vientos seguirán del suroeste, lo que mantendrá las temperaturas cálidas, hasta el rango bajo de los 90 grados.

El viernes debería traer condiciones más secas con lluvias impulsadas por la brisa marina de la tarde, y durante el fin de semana podría pasar otro frente, lo que provocaría tiempo mucho más seco. Las temperaturas aumentarán, alcanzando los rangos bajo a medio de los 90, con índices de calor entre 105 a 110 grados. El alivio del calor podría llegar el domingo, dependiendo del momento del próximo frente.

What you need to know, currently.

A new comprehensive summary of September’s shocking global temperature record was published on Wednesday. It’s worth a read in its entirety — it give an overview of exactly what happened, why, and what we can expect over the coming year or so as a result.

I’ll leave it at that. This graph says it all.

We are in a climate emergency.

What you can do, currently.

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