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  • Currently in Miami — November 6, 2023: Warmer & brighter, with low humidity

Currently in Miami — November 6, 2023: Warmer & brighter, with low humidity

Plus, calls grow for Gaza ceasefire in the name of climate justice.

Warmer and bright, with low humidity

The weather, currently

Heat will return this week, but Monday and Tuesday will still be pleasant thanks to low humidity across South Florida. While afternoon temperatures will be in the low to mid 80s, it will not be too muggy and therefore should be comfortable for most. And what a nice, sunny day it will be to enjoy the outdoors as high pressure will continue to prevail, keeping rain out of the forecast completely on Monday. Unfortunately, temperatures will return to around 90 degrees by the end of the week, which will be close to record highs for these early November dates.

El tiempo, actualmente.

El calor regresará esta semana, pero los lunes y martes seguirán siendo agradables gracias a la baja humedad en el sur de Florida. Aunque las temperaturas máximas estarán en los rangos bajo a medio de los 80 grados, no habrá demasiada humedad y, por lo tanto, debería sentirse cómodo para la mayoría de los residentes. Y qué día tan bello y soleado será para disfrutar del aire libre, ya que seguirá prevaleciendo la alta presión, lo que mantendrá la lluvia completamente fuera del pronóstico el lunes. Desafortunadamente, las temperaturas volverán a acercarse a los 90 grados a finales de semana, lo que estará cerca de las máximas históricas para estas fechas de principios de noviembre.

What you need to know, currently.

On Saturday, one of the largest global anti-war rallies of the 21st century took place in dozens of cities around the world, with some 300,000 people estimated at the march in Washington, DC.

More than 10,000 civilians have died so far in the Israel-Palestine conflict. Climate justice campaigners marched in solidarity calling for a ceasefire, and drew clear parallels with what’s happening in Gaza to what’s happening all over the world where marginalized people are being forced to bear the brunt of climate chaos.

Climate change is a struggle for freedom and dignity of all living things, on a global scale.

The roots of the climate emergency are a systematic, racist devaluation of Black and Brown lives to justify first-world greed and white supremacy. There can be no climate justice without Palestinian liberation and without the liberation of oppressed peoples around the world.

What you can do, currently.

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