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- Currently in Miami — November 17, 2023: Clearing out
Currently in Miami — November 17, 2023: Clearing out
Plus, here's how to register for Currently's new weather service.

Clearing out
The weather, currently
Dry, clear, and not-too-hot weather on Friday and over the weekend will offer South Floridians a period of respite to pick up after Wednesday’s impressive and impactful rainfall event. Flooding will have mostly subsided after over 10 inches of rain in some areas, although ongoing king tides will continue to bring seawater into the streets near the coast. With school back in session in Broward County on Friday, parents should be mindful of possible road closures in case any of the various downed trees and power lines have yet to be cleared. Skies are expected to be partly sunny with no more than isolated showers through the end of the week, with temperatures in the low 80s on Friday and the low to mid 80s over the weekend.
El tiempo, actualmente.
Tiempo seco, despejado y no demasiado caluroso el viernes y durante el fin de semana ofrecerá a los habitantes del sur de Florida un período de respiro para recuperarse después del impresionante e impactante evento de lluvia del miércoles. Las inundaciones habrán disminuido en su mayor parte después de más de 10 pulgadas de lluvia en algunas áreas, aunque las mareas reales en curso continuarán llevando agua de mar a las calles cercanas a la costa. Dado que las escuelas volverán a abrir en el condado de Broward el viernes, los padres deben tener en cuenta posibles cierres de carreteras en caso de que alguno de los varios árboles caídos y líneas eléctricas aún no hayan sido removidos o reparados. Se espera que los cielos estén parcialmente soleados con no más que aguaceros aislados hasta el final de la semana, con temperaturas en el rango bajo de los 80 grados el viernes y los rangos bajo a medio de los 80 durante el fin de semana.
What you need to know, currently.
Everyone deserves to thrive. Everyone is worthy of a better world. That’s why we’re building a weather service for the climate emergency.
Currently’s new weather service is now live. In the weeks and months ahead, we’ll be continually adding more features and opening up more slots as we develop the service.
But for now, space is limited in the weather service because I want to make sure we can provide the highest quality service we possibly can while we work to refine the system with your input.
If you’d like to put your name on the waiting list, be sure to fill out our baseline survey if you haven’t already which will hold your spot in line.
Our goal — as always — is to co-create the most personalized, most informative weather service that exists. And, above all, to make this service accessible, equitable, and resilient enough to bring safety and joy to the climate emergency.
What you can do, currently.
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