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  • Currently in Miami — July 31, 2023: Heat-driven thunderstorms expected

Currently in Miami — July 31, 2023: Heat-driven thunderstorms expected

Plus, it's the LAST DAY of Currently's summer membership drive!

The weather, currently.

Showers & storms in the afternoon and evening

The weather in South Florida on Monday will be largely driven by the heat of the day, in which showers and thunderstorms form over the interior of the peninsula and get carried by the breeze into the evening. This will bring numerous showers and scattered thunderstorms to Miami and Ft Lauderdale in the late afternoon and evening. Temperatures will be a degree or two lower on Monday, but it remains likely that the Heat Advisory will be extended another day. Temperatures will continue to run in the 90s the rest of this week, and with additional humidity on the way, we may see another Excessive Heat Warning over the next few days.

El tiempo, actualmente.

El tiempo en el sur de Florida el lunes será controlado en gran medida por el calor diruno, con la formación de aguaceros y tormentas eléctricas en el interior de la península que luego son transportados por la brisa. Esto traerá numerosos aguaceros y tormentas eléctricas dispersas a Miami y Ft Lauderdale al final de la tarde y al anochecer. Las temperaturas serán uno o dos grados más bajas el lunes, pero es probable que la Advertencia de Calor se extienda otro día. Las temperaturas permanecerán en los rangos bajo a medio de los 90 grados el resto de esta semana, y con humedad adicional en camino, es posible que veamos otro Aviso de Calor Excesivo en los próximos días.

What you need to know, currently.

I’ll keep this short and sweet: Please consider becoming a paid member of Currently today.

Currently has a unique mission in the world: Build a community of scientists, journalists, and climate revolutionaries that together can co-produce daily ways of keeping each other safe amid the climate crisis.

Our daily local weather newsletters are amazing, but they’re just a start. Over the next few weeks and months we’ll be rolling out some exciting actions that have been in the works for the past two-and-a-half years:

  • Member-ownership (voting rights, revenue sharing, and a tangible stake in our future)

  • An interactive weather messaging service (with customizable push alerts for dozens of hard-to-find criteria your weather app doesn’t provide, plus live chatting with our team of meteorologists)

  • Syndication of Currently stories (to help support the sustainability of local climate-forward news and reporting)

It’s just $5 a month or $50 a year to chip in your part to continue making this service possible — and to keep building revolutionary resources like these that will truly change the world. All members get first dibs on our new services, plus a share of direct ownership of our success.

Last week, y’all really came through. So right now we need just 176 new members before midnight July 31 — and I’d love for one of those to be you. Let’s do this!!